
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Morning Wood: Derrick Rose

"Shout out to Derrick Rose, man that n*gga nice"

No, but for real though. I mean, have you seen Derrick Rose? Are you familiar? I'll be the first to admit I'm not committed to sports because I like sports. I'm committed to good looking men because I'm a hot-blooded female and my biology is hard wired to appreciate good height, solid build, and considerable displays of physical strength.

And have you seen that jaw? Those intense eyes?

I remember a few months ago seeing D. Rose speak to the press regarding all the fan love and support he's received while recovering from an injury I know nothing about because I don't follow basketball or the Bulls. Anyway, he got all teary over it, and I thought it was the most beautiful thing ever - a smoldering pole of male physique so comfortable in his emotions, so willing to share that with the public.

Ugh. Love.  I hope he takes his time getting better and doesn't become the next Grant Hill (like where is that dude? Whaaaaat happened to him?) Because I'm all about watching some Bulls basketball - be it late in the season, or next year. Hell, if he's sitting on the sidelines in suit this season I'll be looking for him.

I mean...


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