
Monday, June 13, 2011

Sexism Is Why I'm Single

It's not even 9:30 and I've already read the most ignorant blog post I'm sure to find all week. The following link was tweeted by a [female] friend of mine this morning: Halle Berry aint shit. A cautionary tale. I want to take this time to point out several reasons why I am not impressed.

1.There is no excuse for a woman with a face and body like Halle Berry to be three times divorced and a single mother. Thank you Mr. Projection for implying that being single is a bad thing, and that good-looking women ought to have successful relationships by default of their looks, and if they're single they are somehow failing. Good job with the heavily chauvinistic tone of authority perpetuated by "There is no excuse." Now that I know you are the authority on this, I feel much better going forward and reading the rest of your suggestions.

2.Halle Berry suffers from what I call “look at me” vagina. This disgusting disease is one of the deadliest malfunctions to the brain known to society and is getting attractive women left single...Once again, how grateful am I to this blogger for his thorough understanding and adept diagnosis of the single, attractive female's plight. How we suffer so from this "disgusting disease" I wonder if there is any help out there.

3.A woman with look at me vagina thinks she is so amazingly beautiful that she doesn’t need to do anything in bed... What an intelligent and conscientious human being must have written this. He's so astute, so insightful, so profoundly wise to have uncovered the inner workings of a beautiful woman's mind. Obviously, he knows what he's talking about right? I mean I am a beautiful woman, and I have look at me vagina (don't try to tell me I don't) and as any of my past lovers will tell you, I lie perfectly still in bed....

-- And, cut the record --

The post goes onto explain that every man wants to be with someone who fucks like an ugly bitch. To this I say, ugly bitches have sex? Oh, I'm just kidding - sort of. I'm sure they do and I'm sure I am perfectly understanding both the references and instructions made by this blog: Ugly bitches are eager to please. If I didn't already know better I would disagree with the blogger on the point he failed to explicitly state: Men want women who are willing to please and appease them. Looky here at this fine and valid example ---> 4.If you tell a woman with ugly bitch mentality that you like to punch women when you’re stroking them, 
she’ll let you combo her in the jawbone until you’re satisfied.

Where do I/we go from here? As thoughtful and aware adults (sometimes) what is the next step? Let me venture forth with some speculation based solely on personal experiences. Perhaps, if a look at me vagina woman is not jumping to satisfy you it's because you are just there for her to pass the time. If she isn't eager to blow you, maybe she's seen better, maybe she reserves oral for people she really likes. If you've banged a few times and she's really not getting down and dirty, then she really is just using you to pass the time. You are not up to standard - point blank. And if the double-standard comes out about her being loose, as opposed to her being in control of her sexuality then this discussion is already over. Men use women for sex all the time. Terms like Playboy and Casanova didn't come from nowhere. So in 2011 if women doing the same has become too much to handle then maybe you should just direct all of your sexist energy purely onto ugly bitches who are so eager to be in a relationship with you they'll "power through the pain like Spartacus."

Another thing I wanted to share, as an attractive single woman, is that relationships take compromise and work. Realistically in these times everyone has their own set of baggage (I know I have a whole designer set) and figuring out how to handle that baggage, put down your walls, show compassion to your lover, and build a lasting connection on a deeper level is not easy. Anyone can have a superficial relationship, based on sex. It's called a fling. Getting divorced once has got to be hell, let alone three times. I've never been married (doubt I ever will, because my "relationship" expiration times are already on half-life status), but I definitely know the pain of failure when you put your heart into something you want to see work and it doesn't.

The guy who wrote that blog is an ass. Aside from, or maybe in conjunction with, all of my emotional issues it's the population of idiots like him that make for the percentage of single amazingly hot women like me. We are not just look at me hot, we are shut-the-fuck-up smart. So when you bring the bullshit we shut you down. And if you're stupid enough to come back (same goes for stupid girls throwing themselves at the wrong men) we will use and abuse you. Get butthurt. Stay mad.

I'm fully aware that this post could just be a blogger's way of driving traffic and getting attention, and good for him! But I'm also aware that he doesn't write very well. On that basis alone I've concluded his ignorance. I wish him luck snapping up an all around catch of a wife one day. Something a little more Alexis, and a little less Amber, Trina, or Khia. Email thoughts to ruthnineke@gmail.com

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