
Friday, November 16, 2012

The Fighting At Gaza Is Not Okay

There's no humane, or truthful way to slice up the conflict in Gaza.

Just because you have a bigger gun doesn't mean you need to fire it to be right.
Sometimes laying down your arms is how you show that.

The truth about this conflict is that the idea of nationalism, the idea of religious supremacy, and the idea that individual lives have different  worth, are being administered to the world's psyche like bad medicine.

Earlier this morning, closer to two or three am, I was toying with an essay on abuse. I wanted to explore the subject as it relates to my novella, This Is Growing Up. I formulated a few notes on how abuse doesn't need to be physical, and how emotional and mental abuse is actually an act of education. Abused people learn to adapt to their abuse. They learn to accept certain truths, or lies, in order to deal with their abuse. And they develop behavioral patterns based on their "education".

"Citizens" of the world are being abused.

Once upon a time it was very necessary for us to form tribes, and city-states, and nations. But that time is over. It's been over for a long time, but only in the last couple hundred years have individuals begun awakening to that fact. There is too much accessible knowledge to our capacity for compassionate, love-centered existence to allow us to ignore or rationalize continued conflict.

We are, as a collection of souls and one race of species, smarter than this. And we should behave better than this. Why is it okay for us to sit by and read the papers, and the news sites while innocent people die because neither side wants to share? Is there really just one bad guy?

If you know for a fact that a child, or adult, or animal is being abused, and you never ever do or say anything to stop it then you are just as guilty as the abuser. A lack of intentional action aimed at ending the abuse communicates a clear message to the abused that you believe they deserve it.

Inaction reinforces miseducation, and unless the governed peoples of every single "free" nation start putting serious pressure on the expensive military to stop this now, we are sending are two messages: First we're letting our governments know that we think it's okay for them push murderous agendas, and secondly we are saying, as humans, to one another that human life is not valuable separate from its applied and unnatural monetary relations.

In an ideal world, we'd all throw away our money, and operate solely on a currency of love and compassion. We would do like the Amish and band together to raise a barn.

This is not an ideal world. We are trapped by our refusal to release ourselves.

Or maybe I'm missing the bigger picture, and it's true what they say. Freedom is not free. In order for me to able to lie in bed and type my ideas, and  for you to be able to read them freely without the terror of gun fire, or the cries of children in a war zone, or whatever sound drones make, it means other people must die for having the courage to live.

That must be it right. Or is that just a lie an abused person would develop as a belief to justify and accept their abuse?

Blatant sarcasm aside, how do we stop this?

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