
Monday, July 4, 2011

Grown Ass Folks Get Your Shit Together

let's first just take a moment to acknowledge the eloquent blogging skills of Michael K of dlisted,  whom we can thank for so aptly describing myself [and some other broads you may or may not be familiar with...]

Halle Berry is gonna give me material for days, I swear. Last week Michael K reported on the state of Berry and Aubry's custody shit-uation. It's all several shades of hairy and uncomfortable. 

We've all been through break-ups, sometimes they go bad. You know how it is. And who's to say who's at fault? I find once the initial bitterness and heartache is past, if the bitch fits, shade throwing, and mudslinging are going on it really isn't worth anyone's attention anymore. Let those two bozos have at it, because they just suit each other any damn way. 

Couples with no children carrying on like morons is one thing. But when the reason you're fighting is the child, you need to get your head on right.

I've been a part of all that. I grew up with that. My parents spent my entire life fighting one another on account of child support - on some bullshit. It's never ever ever about doing the right thing by the child, or at least it wasn't for my folks. 

When situations get to that level what you're looking at is two emotionally underdeveloped individuals; neither willing to admit their fears or weakness, and thus neither willing to budge. Their stubbornness serves nothing and no one, but that doesn't make much difference to them. When you're fighting that long you tend to forget your cause and focus only on the destruction of your opponent. 

Victory is defined only in the enemy's defeat. And never mind the kids. I mean, what child do you know that needs a healthy relationship with both their parents? Pish Posh right! 

And maybe I'm just terribly superficial (yes), but how sad for these two beautiful people to create that marvelously beautiful child, and then to carry on like complete jack-asses regarding her custody, care, and future. 

They're setting a terrible example for her (and pretty couples everywhere, I might add), and they're embarrassing themselves and their families! Everyone who's related to, or friends with Miss Berry and Mister Aubry needs to step in nip this in the bud immediately. 

This isn't about how abandoned they feel, or how much it hurts that their relationship failed. This isn't about money. This isn't about either of them feeling inadequate in their abilities to sustain a romantic situation. This is about their kid.

It really grinds my gears the amount of people running around out there, both loaded and poor, propagating the world with new souls when they have absolutely no idea how to nurture their own, let alone guide and protect another. It's not right, and it's not okay. 

I'm all for handling your break-ups and failed relationships in true dramatic and public fashion at the chance of embarrassing an ex or twisting the knife, or just for entertainment purposes because I enjoy theatrics. But when the bebes are involved, grown ass folks have got to know where to draw the line!

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