
Friday, July 27, 2012

Morning Wood: Aaron Johnson

Aaron Johnson is the other fox on the Savages poster. He's English (check), twenty-two (meehhh, check), and really, inexcusably pretty. His eyes are so big! His body is so crafted. His lips are so... Aaron Johnson played the hero in Kick-Ass, but he wasn't exactly what I'd call fox then. A babe, yes - if by 'babe' you mean one too young to be attractive or fantasized about. Now he's over legal drinking age, he's all filled out in the torso, all jaw'd up, and sexy. I need him in more shit like Savages, doing more sex scenes, and shooting more guns. Like yesterday.

Now Savages is no Blow. It's no Bad Boys 2. It's no All About The Benjamins. But it's also not all that bad either. I mean, it's not great. It wasn't terrible. I could've lived without the narration. It was excessive where it didn't need to be, and absent where it should've been. But there was enough shooting, and plot-twisting, and random comedy to keep me into it. And Aaron Johnson held my focus pretty well.

Hold the phone. I know that 2012 has been the year of Taylor Kitsch.... except it really hasn't though. TK - who used to star on Friday Night Lights, had John Carter, and Battleship this year. He had studios and directors all saying great things about him, but for whatever reason he wasn't walking away with block busters. Who cares? I don't. I mean, he's cute, he can act. I like his body cool.

But Taylor Kitsch isn't what got me to see Savages. Aaron Johnson is.

Aaron Johnson is Yummmay.

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