
Friday, October 26, 2012

On Being Skinny

So this is a new BluntCard.

Here's how I feel... Well, yeah there's nothing better in all of life than being confident and fulfilled in yourself regardless of others' opinions - society's especially. And as a woman, and feminist (I'd like to think so, anyway) I'm completely in favor of broads loving themselves according to their own ideas of beauty.

Here comes the but...

But bitches need to be real. If you have chins you eat too much. So while you're obviously not here for anyone's approval, you're also not here for your own health either. If you have folds over your pants waist then you need to buy bigger pants or start wearing dresses. If you're fat and you know it, then stop calling yourself thick like it's sexy.

Sexy is confidence, and if you're thick and curvy and you rock that shit and you can breathe and you have decent blood pressure then GOOD FOR YOU. Own that. I'm glad for you.

I don't really get fat (I'm sure that'll change in the next 10 years whether or not I pop out a mini), so obviously who am I to talk right?  But I've been at my athletic/fit peak, at my my malnourished thinnest where I really didn't need to work out, and I've been on the sloppy and winded side. You know which I liked best? Being healthy.

My pants size is 13, no bullshit. I'm about 170lb - again, no bullshit. That's muscle bro. I like being able to speed up stairs. I like being able to lift things, I like feeling parts of my body that I'm normally not consciously aware of, because for me nothing tastes as good as muscle ache feels. Nothing.

I have the sweetest, saltiest tooth of anyone I know. I can eat and eat and eat, but I make the effort to eat as healthy as I can when I can, and I exercise my body as consistently as I can too. So I'm not really here for fat girls getting on skinny girls who watch what they eat, and commit to keeping themselves agile and strong at the gym.

A woman's self worth should come from wherever she wants it to come from. That's her decision. Some people like to be liked for their body, others for their mind. Whatever. Everyone has their thing. There's only so much we can blame on the media and society. After a while it becomes our duty to ourselves to decide our values and live by them. We determine our own worth, and live accordingly.

But body image shouldn't be about being fat or skinny, or necessarily about being comfortable either. How you feel about your body should be a result of how you treat your body and the way it responds to your treatment.

Starving and overeating are two sides of the same coin, like addiction, or sexual promiscuity. The card is still funny though, but only because everyone's insecure about something.

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