
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lovely Loyalty

Lana Wachowski used to be Larry. Sometime in the last decade she completed her transition. Last month, Lana was honored by the HRC with a Visibility Award. Her acceptance speech was honest, and moving, and my favorite part is when she recalls her brother defending her to reporters.

That's a good brother.

None of us is ever really alone. It feels like that sometimes. Sometimes it feels that way a lot of the time, but it it's never really true. It's cliche as fuck, but we need rainy days to appreciate the sunshine. The world can be brutal, and it's easy to give into feeling weak when it knocks you around.

But the other side of that is knowing that your will to be free, and to be happy, is infinitely stronger than the world's projections. And coming out of your dark place enables you to give more light back to the world. We're light beings, after all, so giving light is like our nature.

Last month Cloud Atlas opened in theaters. I thoroughly enjoyed the film for two reasons: 

1) I like intricate, intelligently crafted tales that require my mind to be actively involved in comprehending the story. I like smart things because I like to think.

2) I also like stories with strong moral components because I believe the human family has gone astray, and we are responsible to one another to constantly ring the bell of our higher nature. When people have the means to deliver positive messages, I delight in their willingness to do as much.

The Wachowskis brought us The Matrix, and V For Vendetta, among others - so you've already got a good idea the kinds of stories they like giving the world. It's obvious, and there's really no room for the assessment that "a story is just a story" with them.

A story is never just a story, and if it is, it's a terrible story. The work either serves its creator, or it serves its audience, or if everyone's lucky it serves both. But a story is never just a story.

It's beautiful and inspiring that Lana Wachowski found the strength to be herself, that she had a supportive family to stand with her through her choices. Her bravery, her decision to live, and to create are the kinds of ideals we should never stop learning, or reminding ourselves.

Be true to you. Be brave. Be unique. Be the best, and absolutely most authentic version of yourself. No matter what. Loyalty isn't just some sort of expected, on-demand, showcase of faith or love in someone close to you. Loyalty works on a grander scale too. When we remember that we're all human - regardless of the external - and we remember that we all deserve the best of one another, and we push ourselves to deliver the better part of ourselves, that's when we're Loyal to Life.

It's quite a lovely thing, wouldn't you say?

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